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The Importance of Communication in a Digital World.

Remembering who and what we are through storytelling in nature, with nature.

Marghanita Hughes just radiates goodness and love. She’s one of those very few folks who, even though I’ve never met her face to face, feels like a dear old friend. This beautiful little book is yet another of the many, many things Marghanita’s doing to promote kids’ (and everyone’s) deep connection with Nature. It is at once a how-to guide for making and playing with whimsical little stick figures; a reflection on the timeless, vital connection between the human animal and all the rest of Nature; and a compendium of pithy quotes from eco-spiritual sages.
All the love, joy and energy of Marghanita’s delightful art-in-Nature programs is distilled in this thoughtful book. Jeffrey Willius – One Mans Wonder

  • 93 full-colour pages PDF

  • How to make stick people video

  • Suitable for all ages

“If we are to create peace in our world, we must begin with our children.” Mahatma Gandh

The fallen branch was once part of the living tree – a story in itself. Now you are giving new life to the fallen branch with the help of a child’s imagination. The child creates their very own stick person (people) and creates a story around their character(s).

A tree represents the shared roots and branches of every culture and faith. By creating our little stick people we encourage students, educators and families of all backgrounds to unite and interact as they explore our deep-rooted connection with nature through storytelling, and celebrate our different traditions, cultures and faiths.

This helps create a greater understanding and respect among all people and nurtures a deep love for the natural world along our united journey.

Let’s make nature play every day.

Reawakening to the rhythmic secrets of the natural world helps rekindle our creativity.

Making stick people and creating stories with our creations helps renew our inner spirit and rewaken our sense of wonder – rekindling our love affair with the natural world. Storytelling offers us a way forward, not backwards. Getting back in touch with ourselves, the land, and our cultural roots.

“Storytelling is a fundamental form of human communication. We create stories out of life experiences as a way of making sense of what has happened to us.” – Robert Atkinson

