The Enchanting World of Make-Believe - While walking in the forest I came upon a magical sight - an ancient moss covered mammoth and my hand crafted fairy friends couldn't wait to go for a ride. After filming and photographing the fairies playful adventure I played a little myself with the original photographs on my computer adding a stylised oil paint effect.
An extension of my use of camera technology
As much as I love the look - I am now inspired to try and capture the "magic" and enchantment of the moss covered mammoth by hand experimenting with different mediums for a series of illustrative prints - using both the original photograph and the one with the effect - embracing technology as a creative tool and to inspire further art creations.
First I experiment with oil pastels and coconut oil - this art process is so much fun, messy and really sensory - I am just playing with some ideas - really liking the texture of this one…certainly something to work on over the coming months.
Once upon a time…
When I have more time I will explore with oil paints and other mixed medias - for now I am just allowing the story of the fairy and mammoth to evolve with each visit to the forest, the story unravels a little more….
Wishing you all a magical and enchanting week, with love and gratitude Marghanita x