During the last few months of COVID, I found myself spending a lot more time on the computer which was affecting not only my eyesight but my overall health and wellbeing. Overwhelmed and exhausted by the events happening around the world, left me feeling lost, somewhat disconnected from the circle of life and what makes me feel harmonious. I knew I needed to unplug and return to the wilds of Nature. Not just unplugging from technology for a few hours or even a few days, more likely weeks or even longer.
Covid has turned all of our lives upside down
During the recession of 2009, we lost our home, the car was repossessed and all credit was cut. At first we felt bewildered, lost and fraught with fear and anxiety, like many of you who are experiencing difficulties during these challenging times of covid. Over time my husband and I began to see the silver linings. Our bond with our children and each other grew deeper and we experienced a greater appreciation for the small things, they became the big things. What really helped nurture us through these difficult times was our time spent in nature, together as a family and solo time; among the trees, the birds, the flowers, the wild things.
Last month our landlord informed us that we needed to vacate the rented property we had called home for many years. We knew this day would arrive but not during COVID when very little rented property was available; only highly expensive summer vacation rentals.
Something was stirring in us and it seemed as if a path was being chosen for us. With an open heart we listened to what the universe was offering. Most of my work involved interaction with my students both young and old outdoors in nature. When COVID arrived all my classes, workshops and school visits were cancelled. This was hard on so many levels, but it was the human connection that I missed the most. Which led us on to this new journey.
Swapping bricks and mortar for Van life
We took a leap of faith and gave up the comfort of a traditional home. Transitioning from a 2 bedroomed home in the countryside and all its comforts to one tiny space measuring just 21ft by 6 ft has not been easy, however, we are adapting to a new rhythm. A rhythm that speaks to our souls and nurturing our whole being: body, mind, heart and spirit.
We’re Passionate about helping others Reconnect with Nature
We needed time to reflect on what had been happening and how we could move forward during these strange and challenging times; yet still be able to follow our passion - helping others to reconnect with the natural world. With no internet connection to lure us onto our computers we were free to simply-just be.
Thankfully the BC parks opened for summer, as we knew staying local was paramount and the best route to staying safe and being respectful of others during COVID.
Rewilding Our daily Lives - The Elements
“We drove along the winding roads far from the madding crowd.
It’s there we found Valhalla on the outskirts of town. She had the kind of beauty only a mother could gift.
It was upon her shores; my mind began to shift.” – David Hughes
Unplugged, we begin to slow down and relax. Immersed in the raw wilderness surrounded by the elements, we feel more alive, more receptive to what is around us. Fully present in the moment, we tune into the natural sounds, the whispering wild winds, the raging creek crashing over boulders large enough to jump from one to another, like we did as children; We notice the different smells that fill the clean crisp air, the sweet smell of pine, the perfumed scent of wild roses. We gaze in awe and wonder at the vast expanse of the glacier mountains and all their grandeur and feel invigorated by the refreshing lake water lapping across our bare feet. The wild and raw sounds, the smells, the mesmerizing flames of the crackling campfire dancing before us as the night sky descends; a feast for our senses. Nourishing our whole being; reminding us of who we are.
Making time to reflect
Washing dishes and clothing are all done outdoors, the wind and sunshine dry our clothes quickly. When the rain arrives and the wind nips a little, we just add more clothing and sing around the fire. It’s just the two of us, my husband (David) and I - together, wild and free. We are used to being together for long periods of time without interaction with others. We obviously miss our friends and family, especially those so far away back in our homeland of Scotland, (and I miss my one to one classes with my students, their faces, their smiles, their wild, creative spirits); however, we are adapting to a new rhythm, one that makes us feel more human.
The fire and the surrounding landscape have replaced Netflix and are now our new enriching entertainment (fires are allowed at certain BC Campgrounds) along with new books to read and old and new music to discover. David was a singer/song writer when we met 34 years ago, and he hasn’t really written anything since our children arrived. Now, he has started writing and singing again. Music, like all the Arts is deeply therapeutic and it can transport you to memories past, evoking deep emotions. It can sooth and help ease tension, to make sense of the world around you; and to create your own music, however basic - gifts immense joy.
Moving forward in the time of Covid
Feeling content and nourished by nature, we are able to reflect more positively on the past few months seeing the silver linings, the small but precious gifts that we can build upon to make the future brighter. As we navigate our way forward it is vital that we listen to our hearts and inner knowing. To be open to change and embrace the unknown with an open heart and mind; and a willingness to learn new ways and share our own experiences.
We know Nature is a powerful Medicine
(see note for research links credit)
Not every day is blissful, there are always challenges, however, a strength comes from being in harmony – nature always seems to provide the perfect antidote to days frustrations. We are excited to begin this new chapter and share our experiences living a creative life in our little Van (Indigo) immersed in nature. We appreciate many cannot get out into the wilderness, so part of our journey is to share the wilderness with you through video and workshops. As an artist and educator, I feel compelled more than ever to share the health benefits of combing nature and art as a very powerful natural medicine that we can all benefit from especially during COVID.
Watch our short preview here:
What would you like us to share?
What would you like us to share? What do you miss about the natural world - what are your favorite sounds in nature - maybe we can record them for you - what landscapes sooth you and make you feel calm - does the bird song make you feel happy? What wildlife stirs your curiosity? What would you like us to share about our creative journey; our personal connection with nature? What would you like to learn? Let us know in comments below or message me or you can reach out via email. We would love to hear from you. Sending love and wishing you all a peaceful and healthy summer sprinkled with oodles of creative adventures. Love Marghanita and David xx
You can follow us on Instagram @ roadtowildwood
and sign up for our newsletter @ Marghanita.com
Notes - Research links via article by Denna Shaffer Instructor, Sociology, Ryerson University. - From an article in the Conversation (Academic rigour, journalistic flair)