What's in a Painting?

What do you see? What do you feel? Can you relate to the story in this painting?


Resisting change will only make the journey more difficult. What might you be resisting?

These two paintings had a little message for me but I had no idea what the message was until I had changed (almost thrown out) and completed the second one. I began the first painting on Vancouver Island in a garden setting using a hammer to print the leaves (representing my tree) onto fabric canvas. The air was clean and the summer heat was deliciously soothing.

Hammered leaves on fabric canvas and earth and watercolour paint

I put a little piece of my love in every tree, and the trees loved me back; and I became one with the trees

I loved the process of creating this fabric painting (above) and I wished to create a similar image depicting my love of trees and the natural world - down at the lakeshore, where I was now camping (on the mainland); this time I would be using just ink and watercolours; no foliage or printing.

The painting began well, free flowing - just letting the ink pen dance across the paper. All lines organic in the making, you cannot rub out ink like you can with a pencil. However, as I painted, the heat intensified and the air quality was poor with all the smoke from the wild forest fires. The van was way too hot to retreat to, the only place to be was by the lake, where at least the air was a little fresher and cooler. 

(I couldn’t change the weather, I could not be physically active outdoors without it compromising my health so I sat quietly painting under the shade of the tree)

Painting kept me calm and present in the moment, relaxing back into the flow, however, I wasn't quite happy with the heaviness of the energy and colour surrounding my earth being, so I began to fade the colour using my brush and water and I kept rubbing the paper with so much water, it began to peel. (Normally I would use a damp cloth and gently dab the paper).

Although I should have known better not to rub so hard, something inside of me kept going. After leaving the paper to dry out, I then tore off the little pieces that were fraying and was left with a large white patch of paper in the painting.

Had I ruined the painting?

I tried folding over the painting to hide the white patch and creased a line making it into a smaller version of the painting but I didn’t like it, so I unfolded the crease and took another look at the painting.

The line seemed very prominent, the line went right through my earth being, splitting her into two. The line representing something that wasn’t there before, and I thought to myself - we are forever changing - evolving - just like the painting.

Then I sat back and wondered, what was this painting trying to tell me. 

I looked away and watched the waves lap over the rocks, there was no resistance. I looked back at my painting and determined not to rip it up, instead, seeing the torn piece as an invitation to create something new - I decided to let my ink pen dance over the white piece of paper and there it was…


..my little earth being now had a set of wings...she is in the transformation stage..

Amazing, isn’t it, that we can express our inner feelings without sometimes knowing we are doing it. The painting was reminding me to stop resisting change, I too was going through a stage of transformation. The environment had played a vital role in my art making.

We are forever evolving, changes are inevitable, changes are all part of the journey and sometimes, certain changes seem almost impossible, but the more we resist, the harder the journey. Can you relate to this. Is there something you are resisting right now?

It never ceases to amaze me how powerful art making is. I now look at the little painting and love its flaws, the ripped paper and wings that are not quite formed, this adds to its beauty and authenticity.

Transformation - Watercolour and Ink - 11’ x 8’

It is our flaws that make us more beautiful don’t you think?

I would love to know what you thought of the two paintings and what your feelings are about transformation?

All original artwork and prints are available on my website under Gallery. If you can’t see the artwork you wish to purchase, please drop me an email or message and I will provide details.

Sending you love and light from the enchanting wild British Columbia.